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The path to zero-emission public transportation

Event summary produced by The Globe and Mail Events team. The Globe’s editorial department was not involved.
Electric-powered public transportation has already made its mark in major Canadian cities, but how long until it becomes the sole fuel source for your daily commute? On September 18th, The Globe and Mail hosted a webcast featuring transit leaders and industry experts to discuss the growth and development of electric fleet technologies.
The panel emphasized the increasing accessibility of cleaner powertrains and the expansion of electric transit infrastructure. They also shared timelines for achieving net-zero emissions targets. However, they didn’t shy away from discussing potential challenges, such as the need for financial overhauls to support green initiatives and projects, the necessity of shifting consumer behaviors, and the high initial costs of maintenance and operations.
· Michael Habouri, National Mobility Segment Leader, Schneider Electric
· Renée Amilcar, General Manager of Transit Services at OC Transpo, City of Ottawa
· Josipa Petrunic, President & CEO of CUTRIC
· Petrina Gentile, Contributing Writer, Globe Drive, The Globe and Mail
The Globe and Mail presented the event with sponsor support from Schneider Electric. To learn about upcoming Globe and Mail events visit
